Develop the ergonomic approach in your company to boost its performance in the long term
The activity of any company is part of a complex environment that is a source of levers and obstacles for its development, its economic and social performance and its resilience.
In this context, the human factor represents a strategic resource for the company to achieve its objectives. On this resource depend, in particular, the reactivity, adaptability, as well as more globally the social, societal and economic performance of the company. It also represents a reservoir of knowledge, skills, mastery of processes and continuous improvement when it is correctly valued and supported in the construction and implementation of the activity.
Conversely, when the regulations to be made by the human factor to make a system work and reduce the gap between the prescribed work and the actual work become too "heavy", the costs of this adaptability lead to a significant deterioration in the overall economic performance and the occupational health and safety system. In the long term, this situation inexorably leads to the transformation of this human resource into a cost factor (delays, quality, work stoppages, etc.).
In the end, whatever the organization, tools, energy and means deployed, which certainly play an essential role in the efficiency of the system, the company will remain dependent on its teams to make it work and reap the benefits.
To break or avoid this spiral, and ultimately reverse it to reap all the benefits, the company must ensure that it optimizes its human resources in the long term by protecting them as much as possible from the costs and wear and tear of adaptability.
To do this, it can rely on a powerful tool: ergonomic analysis of work.
Far from a simple anthropometric adaptation method, the ergonomic approach seeks to analyze, diagnose and articulate all the components of the company and work situations with harmony and to reduce the cost of these human regulations.
This training, given by experienced ergonomists, aims to provide and put into practice the knowledge necessary for the employees chosen by the company to:
- Understand the logic, the interests and the functioning of the ergonomic work analysis approach
- Learn how to put it into practice and gain autonomy
- To be a reference in the company to raise awareness of the principles and interests of the approach, to transfer knowledge and to support its progressive integration into the company's processes and management
Introduction à l’ergonomie
- Principles and objectives of ergonomic work analysis
- Understand the dynamics of the activity, the difference between prescribed work and real work and the factors
determinants - Human regulations and their impact on occupational health and company performance
- Highlighting the benefits of the approach through examples of real "before and after" situations
Understand and appropriate the ergonomic work analysis approach
- Presentation of the step-by-step process
- Detailed illustrations of the approach through examples of real studies, on
Themes or sectors similar to that of the company
Knowledge and tools to design and transform adapted work situations
- Risks of Musculoskeletal Disorders and Psychosocial Risks
- Standards and recommendations
Training in practical application through simulations
- Proposal of a simplified approach for the realization of micro-diagnosis
- Practical case study based on real or fictional work situations (videos, photos, etc.)
Practical application to real work situations in the company.
Based on the company's activities identified and validated before the training.
Teaching methods
- Verification of knowledge in ergonomic work analysis
- Contribution of the necessary knowledge and implementation exercises
- Application to real work situations in the company
- Vérification de l’appropriation des connaissances
Duration of the training
14H00 (2 consecutive days)
Target audience
Management, HR, Managers, Methods Engineers, QSE and other employees in charge of health at work
Employees who perform screen work (computer screen, tablet, phone, e-reader)
Maximum number of participants
Group of 6 employees
Location of the training
On your site
- French
Course material
In digital format, will be communicated to each participant
Certificate / Attestation
Certificate of training given to the employer by name